Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year from the Lees in Cambodia and the Lees in the USA!

Though our family is split with Paul in Cambodia and the rest of us in New Jersey, we are thankful to start the new year surrounded by people who are constantly showing us God’s Amazing Love & Grace in very tangible ways. It’s been a gift for Susan & Nate to spend this time with Susan’s mom and Caleb. It’s wonderful to worship each week and spend time with friends from our home church, Sojourner Presbyterian Church.

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I (Susan) am in awe of how God persistently and personally pursues his children. He is gentle yet powerful. Looking back on 2023, thank you, Heavenly Father, for faithfully leading and satisfying my desires in scorched places and making my bones strong (Isaiah 58:11).

My verse for 2024: 
“In returning and rest you shall by saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength” (Isaiah 30:15)


You came to the world You created
Trading Your crown for a cross
You willingly died
Your innocent life paid the cost
Counting Your status as nothing
The King of all kings came to serve
Washing my feet
Covering me with Your love

If more of You means less of me. Take everything
Yes, all of You is all I need. Take everything

You are my life and my treasure
The One that I can’t live without
Here at Your feet my desires and dreams, I lay down
Here at Your feet my desires and dreams, I lay down

Oh Lord, change me like only You can
Here with my heart in Your hands
Father, I pray, make me more like Jesus
This world is dying to know who You are
You’ve shown us the way to Your heart
Father, I pray, make me more like Jesus
More like Jesus. More like Jesus

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2024

  1. thank you for sharing this post Susan 🙂 your thoughts and dependence on the Gospel is very encouraging and inspiring!!

    Also through your Instagram I just discovered your blog! Your prayer requests are so precious, especially what you hope to remember amidst health issues. Will be keeping you in prayer and praying that I may do so often!

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